Monday, July 20, 2009

Late-Night Confession

It's almost 11:00pm...all of my children are asleep. Sound blissful? Yep, except that I have a confession: Joseph is sleeping on the family room floor, Aubrey is sleeping on the loveseat, Gracie is sleeping on the sofa, Spencer is sleeping in my bed, and Ellie is (surprisingly) in her crib. Why are 4 of my 5 kiddies not in their own beds, you ask?! Well, there is a perfectly good explanation...I HATE putting sheets on beds!!! Seriously, I love the feeling of slipping into fresh sheets, it is so relaxing and peaceful. But putting them on is a task that I loathe. So I strategically plan "wash bedding day" when I know I will be gone at night...Enrichmet, Young Women's, grocery shopping--tonight happened to be a visit to the cemetery to see Amanda. This way, Dave gets the task. :) Brilliant, no? Except tonight he didn't do it, and now he's out at a movie and I am resolved not to break my oathe of putting on sheets. So...there my babies lie...they do each have a pillow and blanket, though.