Wednesday, September 9, 2009

For Reals...

Okay, this may sound familiar...but I am ready to get back to consistent blogging! I just spent the last hour reading blogs of people I love and decided I have no more excuses. It's true that Dave has my camera (again) but I'm not going to let that stop me anymore! :)

So here's a really quick is back in session! Dave is taking 2 classes and working part-time at St. John's Hospital in the therapy area. Joseph is playing football again, Aubrey is doing soccer. Gracie loves kindergarten, Spencer is a wild-thang and Ellie is balls of fun! I am babysitting 4 other has it's challenges but it's been a blessing for us and is the only way Dave can go back to school so I'm grateful for it!

Whew...this time I am SERIOUS about getting on here more often!! I'll post with pics TONIGHT, pinky promise!


Sarah Moore said...

Amy, yay for your blog update. I'm looking forward to pictures. And, the song you have playing totally has me in crying. Such a good message.

Lissa said...

Is it a binding pink promise if you don't have someone else's pinky to squeeze? Just asking:) And I don't want to post pictures of my bench until it's done. And I think I changed my mind about the cushion and I want to do patchwork craft paper on the top and front with modge podge....whadaya think? Any projects at your house that I can do when I come?

Eden said...
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Eden said...

So since I never get to see you, does this mean Dave isn't selling houses anymore - or just selling them less? How much longer in school?

amy said...

oh, he's still doing houses...the st. john's thing just sorta happened, and since this is the field he's going into it was a good opportunity...busy busy!