Saturday, October 31, 2009


Dear Mom,

Happy Birthday to you! Do they have birthday parties in heaven? I like to think they do...after all, it's a place of happiness and parties are SO happy!

If you were here we'd probably be gorging ourselves on hot & spicy chicken from Chinese Chef, followed by some Grasshoppers and milk...yummy! I'll have some for you!

If you were here we'd laugh at the kids being silly on the floor, then we'd take a quiet walk around the neighborhood and enjoy the beautiful fall colors. Remember the gorgeous trees at the church across the street? They're still gorgeous...

If you were here we'd come back inside for some Postum and funny talk around the table and laugh until we wet our pants. Wonder how our old friend "Hose B" is doing?! Then you'd play the piano with your beautiful fingers and we'd all sing along...but mostly we'd listen to your angelic voice.

If you were here you'd snuggle up with the girls on the couch and read "Little House on the Prairie" and put their hair in pink rollers--and you'd be careful to never brush too hard.

If you were here you'd sit on the porch steps with the boys and tell them stories about "when you were a little boy"...and let them bring snakes and lizards and bugs inside. :)

If you were here you would cuddle the babies and sing them "Wee Baby Moon" while you kissed them in that super-soft spot just in front of their ears. You would tell them they were the sweetest babies ever, and you'd mean it.

Did you ever know that Dad gave me your jacket? I wear it every fall, just a time or two...and in the left pocket are treasures...a cough drop, a toothpick, and a kleenex. :) Thanks for leaving them for me!!

Sometimes I feel cheated that I only got to call you "Mom" for 23 years...but then I remind myself to feel blessed that I get to call you "Mother" for eternity!

I love you, Mama. Happy Birthday!
Love, Amy


Janessa @ Treasure Hunting Mommy said...

Oh, Amy. That was beautiful. I'm sorry that she isn't here, but even not knowing her... I know your strength comes from her. Love you tons! -J

Tomena said...

I'm crying right now. I love you Amy. Thank you for sharing. I want to be a better mom and be with my mamma. I miss your mom.

Anonymous said...

Dear Amy, I love your mom. Thanks for sharing, it was so sweet. I still miss my mom too and wonder what she is doing on a daily basis. I know it is hard not being able to share all the cute things your kids do. It is also hard not being able to just have a chat and ask for advice from your best friend. Love, Aunt Elise

Lissa said...

Thanks Am. I was going to type her a message but did it last year and didn't want to be redundant. I started crying at the "Dear Mom" Those are all things she would love. Oh how I miss her! I can't believe she won't hold my babies. I was telling Bryce last night that she's be gone so long sometimes I almost feel like I made her up. I know we will get all those opportunities back. It's appropriate that she was born in the fall because it was her favorite season. She loved the trees changing colors. I love her and I LOVE YOU!

Lissa said...

I also thought of all the birthdays of her we spent with Annette at our house. Especially the year we remodeled our kitchen. Halloween fell on a Sunday and we turned off the porch lights and sat CRAMMED in our living room eating spearmints and laughing all night.

Thompson Family said...

That was so touching Amy. Your mom was amazing. I was only 12 when I knew her and it was only for a year that we lived there, but I still remember your mom well. She was a wonderful woman who touched and impacted all around her. Thankfully we have the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring us hope and joy through the tough moments in life. Families truly are forever! Love ya!

Lissa said...

Did you go with Dad to the cemetery? He called and left me a message crying about Mom. I called him back and he was with you-know-who so I'm sure you can guess how the conversation went...light n breezy!

Sarah Moore said...

That was the most beautiful thing I've ever read. What a wonderful tribute to your mom. You are continuing her legacy of goodness--I know she is so proud of you. Love you!

Sunny said...

You're amazing...and I know that your mom was too b/c of you. Thanks for sharing Amy. Can I borrow that Kleenex:)

Lucky Larson's said...

I am a friend of Tomena's and she told me about this post. I lost my father in September. Thank you for this lovely post.