Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Part 2

Uncle Dave (the fire chief!) treated all the kids to hats and fun with his fire truck! And look at little cutie Graham! We had fun with that little boy...

Fire-fightin' Brown kids

Fun at the park!

One of my most favorite pictures of Aubrey ever!!

Joe catching some serious air!

Gracie goose

Ellie on the swings

Spencer digging...he loves him some dirt/sand and a pail and shovel! Can anyone say "boy"?! :)

Tammy had a fun park just up the road from her house...Dave and the kids had a lot of fun there more than once! The kids also spent a good amount of time in the pool, eventhough the water was cold! Also...picking vegetables from the garden and watching the cousins try to get a blow dart out of the rear end of a mother dove! :) There's a story there, but I won't rat on Colin. :) Speaking of Colin, we got no pictures! :( He's an awesome guy and I do believe he was the first of a few crushes Gracie developed on this trip...


Kathy said...

That is a very beautiful picture of Aubrey. You should blow it up and hang it on the wall.

Ashley said...

How fun is that?! Nice to "see" you, Amy. :) We'll be in Arizona in July. Unfortunately, it'll probably be a little hotter then...