Monday, January 19, 2009

What a Hoot!

Last week I made some carrott sticks for a snack. I told Spencer to eat some and pretend he was a bunny..."No, Mom! I'm not a bunny, I'm Buzz Lightyear!". The next thing I know, he's feeding carrotts to the stuffed bunny...

Spencer LOVES to try on shoes...especially boots! These are Lilly's, he wore them around all day! I especially love that he has no pants on. That's my boy!

I know all these posts dedicated to Spencer's little antics might make it appear that he is the favorite. I don't know what I could say to prove'll probably just have to take my word for it. He is such a funny kid!! We get hours upon hours of laughs and giggles from him, we are so glad to have him in our family! Truly, every family needs a Spencer! Here's some of the funny things he has said/done in the last 24 hours...

Yesterday Gracie had gotten into some gum in my room that she wasn't supposed to have. Dave caught her and made her spit it out in the toilet. A little while later, Dave notices that Spence is chewing some gum...and his shirt sleeve is soaking wet! Nice...

This morning he was jumping around on our bed and being really silly. I asked him, "Spence, where did such a silly kid come from?". His reply? "From your bed!"...uh, that's sort of true, I guess! Little punk!


Lissa said...

This kid KILLS ME! How funny, thanks for sharing his antics with us. I DO want one just like him

Tammy said...

Every family has to have a Spencer, love that boy!! wish we were closer.

Lissa said...

I think he needs his own TV show....FOR REAL!

Newman Family said...

Hi, Amy. It's your cousin Gina. No, you weren't the last family in the world to start a blog. I just started ours and have been blog hopping and found yours. It's good to see what's going on in your adorable family. My blog is private so if you send me your email, I'll send you an invite. Love, Gina