Tuesday, April 20, 2010


It's getting close to Mother's Day...I know this because at Wal-Mart last night they had a huge display of Mother's Day cards. Cute ones. Pretty ones. Sweet and sentimental ones. Funny ones.

I wanted to read them.

I wanted to BUY them.

I really want to buy a Mother's Day card this year.


Lissa said...

Every year I try to tell myself that I am glad I don't have to come up with a thoughtful and meaningful gift. Every year I fail at making myself BELIEVE it.

Marianne said...

Amy, let's buy Lissa Mother's Day cards.

Better yet, let's buy some and take them to Dry Valley.

Tomena said...

You guys should write your mom a letter each Mother's Day and tell her a favorite memory.... or relate your year to something you know she went through... then one of you should have a scrap book and you should send your letters to her and compile a little book just for you sisters and Aunt Nene.