Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Making of a Superhero


Spencer: "Sorry, Mom. I'm so sorry, Mom. I'm sorry."

Mom: "Why did you do that, Spence? You know we only write on PAPER!"

Spencer: "I was making a Superhero, Mom. I'm making me a Superhero!"

I only laugh to keep from crying...oh yeah, that's a Sharpie.


Unknown said...

Oh Amy. I am so sorry. According to my husband's mom grandchildren are the reward for not killing your children.

Lissa said...

OHMYHECK! I'd clobber him! Leather is better for kids because you can clean it off easier. But I don't know that that rule applies to sharpies.

Kathy said...

I'm so sorry. That is just tragic. Larke did sharpi all over my in-laws bedroom we did get most of it out with goo-gone. I don't know if that will work with leather, but it might be worth looking into.

amy said...

rubbing alcohol will take it off...i've had sharpie on my couch before, even without alcohol it will eventually fade away. :) there's just no stopping spencer...

meems said...

So I now know why I didn't get two boys!! I give you props Amy!! Atleast he's cute!

Marianne said...

the fact that spencer is sickeningly cute is the only thing keeping him alive most days...

Family-Frolic said...

Amy, you are a very patient mother to react with a laugh in that situation. Sharpies bring out the sharpness in me. So YOU are MY superhero!

Russell said... he your super hero yet? Sorry about that. I hope it comes off. I'm impressed that you laughed, I don't know that I'd have done the same. Good on ya!!--Viv