Monday, September 14, 2009


Dear Turkey Bacon,

You are NOT real bacon! Real bacon is, by definition, delicious and fatty and from a PIG. You are not delicious, not fatty, and you are from a TURKEY! You are not welcome in my kitchen anymore...please pack your fake self and go find some health-concious, no-regard-for-taste family to live with. Thank you.

Best Regards,
The Mom of a family that places high value on DELICIOUSNESS


Lissa said...

Holy Cow, had me laughing out loud. Bryce too. I am guessing this stemmed from a bad experience with Turkey Bacon? Yeah, not as good.

Tomena said...

You are HILARIOUS!!! I love it. I laughed out loud... maybe you should start the new blog. Maybe we should team up ;)

Kathy said...


Sarah Moore said...

Turkey bacon is one reason I am glad Marc is allergic to poultry :)