Thursday, September 10, 2009

Reading Log H*@#@&%# !!

Here's one drawback to school being back in session: READING LOGS...I don't like them one single bit! They make my head hurt and I'm in a constant state of guilt over not filling them out regularly. The truth? I usually end up writing down a whole month's worth of stories (that we have read, I just don't remember on which days and for how long) the morning the log is due. Or, I forget about it entirely and give my child extra dessert when they come home sad that they were the only kid in their class to miss lunch bunch. I'm a lame mom!

This might be the part where I ask for know, some put-it-out-there question like "How do you keep track of your child's reading?". But I don't want advice (unless you really do have something cool) because I can tell you right now it won't work. :) I'm just waiting out the years of reading log HECK!


Lauren said...

Good luck!! I hated those too. I can't believe how big your kids are! And Ellie - I swear the last picture I saw of her she was still a ball of chubb! She's a cutie! They all are! Wish we could see you guys!

Lucky Larson's said...

I have no idea who you are, but you left a comment on Tomena's blog--so I looked at yours--do you get your books from the library? Just write the names of the books from the slip they give you at the library--hope that helps even a little.