Thursday, September 10, 2009


So here is the promised post with pictures...I know it's this morning instead of last night, but are you really gonna freak about it? Really?
The first picture is, of course, the first day of school. All 3 of the kids are at the same school this year and that makes me all kinds of happy! :) First of all, they can look out for each other on the bus...I will spare you my bus issues--nothing has ever happened but I still have some personal hang-ups. The really great thing about one school, though, is ONE schedule! Everyone is out of the door and back in the door at the same time. There is only one Open House, one Fall Festival, one Book simplifies a mom's life in countless, blessed ways!!
The bottom picture was taken just a few weeks ago to send to Grandma Cluff and Grandma Dee...I am officially the world's worst picture-sender and was losing sleep over my guilt, so one day I just plopped the kids down together and snapped this shot to send off to the grandmas we love SO MUCH!!
So there you have my post!


Kathy said...

Your kids are so cute, I'm glad you are blogging again.

Sarah Moore said...

They are really are so adorable!